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Apollo, God of Illuminating Light & Truth, Prophecy, Music, Protection & Healing.

Apollo is a deity of multipurpose, leader of great wisdom and truth. We resonate and connect with Apollo for many reasons throughout our path, for his strong guidance and protection, for his radiant healing and his ability to aid us in our own individual prophecies.

Apollo illuminates our paths when they darken, protects us as we need and guides us with his eternal light. His embrace of inspiration reminds us to always create, to love, and to feel empowered, both, within ourselves and our own abilities.

The size of this tin makes it easy to carry in a bag or pocket, allowing for offerings and working with Apollo wherever you go.

Included in our Deity Apollo shrine altar tin:

✨ Our How to Use guide for your altar tin

✨ God Apollo Spell - call on him for his illuminating Light, healing and protection. Connect with him for his guidance and inspiration.

✨ Sun Talisman: The sun is one of Apollo’s most prominent symbols. It represents life, energy, illumination, and enlightenment. The sun is seen as a source of light and warmth, much like Apollo is viewed as a source of knowledge, music, and healing.

✨ Golden Agate Pendulum: as a God of Prophecy who spoke through oracles, allow Apollo to connect and guide you through his Pendulum. Golden Agate, much like Apollo himself is a multifaceted crystal, it’s healing and balancing properties align with Apollo’s abilities of empowerment and unconditional healing. This can also be used as a bracelet Talisman of Apollo.

✨ Radiant Sun Mist: with Citrine crystal chips and amber & sweet orange floral scented notes - warm, golden solar energies with abilities to cleanse, balance & revitalise the emotions. They are associated with Apollo - optimism, vitality, and refreshment and Citrine: this crystal resonates with the energy of the sun. It is known for its ability to attract prosperity and success, as well as inspire optimism and joy. Its sunny, golden hues align it with Apollo’s solar associations.

✨ Apollo Spell Bottle:
Marigolds symbolising purity, auspiciousness, and the divine. Their strong fragrance is believed to ward off negativity and evil spirits. The vibrant colours of marigolds also represent the sun's energy, signifying warmth, passion, and creativity.
Lemon balm multifaceted like Apollo, this represents many of his attributes - Love and success, manifests dreams, and attracts loving, healthy relationships. It deepens spiritual awakening, boosts psychic abilities and opens connection with the cosmic flow of prosperity. With its protective energies it will shield your sacred space and emotional aura against toxic energies.

✨ Mini Talisman Spell Bottle:
filled with ground Laurel (Bay leaves), the most widely recognized herb associated with Apollo, the laurel was used in ancient times to make the laurel wreath, a symbol of high status and victory. Also can be sprinkled over tealights in manifesting spells

✨ Apollo’s Goldstone Candle: This glittering, gold toned stone topped candle is a natural fit for Apollo as a sun god. This crystal carries the energy of the sun and can help infuse your life with light, positivity, and joy. It’s also known to encourage leadership and personal power, reflecting Apollo’s confident and inspiring nature.

The Tin dimensions are 9.5cm x 6cm x 2cm.

Whether you are a witch, pagan, interested in the Greek mythology, or simply someone who seeks any combination of Apollos many abilities and embraces, our God Apollo shrine altar tin is perfect for you.

Apollo Altar Tin, Sun God Apollon Offering Shrine Tin

SKU: Apollo Tin
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